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Ulcers and diet - lesions and fare

01-02-2017 à 11:17:46
Ulcers and diet
This seems to make them go away in a day or two, instead of a week, and they never get as bad. You just have to wait it out sometimes 2-3 weeks:( and do a lot of gargling with salt water, septic sprays, tea, and rest. Today I feel much better although there are still some pain i finally able to eat some solid food. I completely changed my diet. A few years ago I spoke with a physician about the recurrent painful mouth and throat ulcers I get. Deliciously Ella is good inspiration as is Dr Michael Gregor. all. Hello, i am Patrick from US, All these post about HERBAL MEDICINE and spell casters are scammers and fake trying to collect money all in the name of CANCER cure and when you contact them, they will be asking for your name, pictures, country. Everything else went away in the first day but sore throat was still there. Herpes causes cold sores which are completely different. The first time I had them was after I had my tonsils out when I was 20. The best help I can offer to help you through the anxieties of this life is Jesus Christ. Its very cheap and you take it once a day. They are down past my uvula so the salt water solution does not reach it. I find a short term fix is more bearable at work. Hopefully it helps, its amazing how many doctors are just clueless on so many things. This is one of the effective and simple home remedies for mouth ulcers. God this pain is awful just want it to be over. Look up to heaven, read your Bible and try to get involved with other fellow believers who will encourage you and hold you accountable to help you with your walk. They hurt. For faster results swallow a miture of honey and turmeric powder in these days. She has a pain in her throut when she chew food and talk a bit long. The Prednisolone did a little to lubricate the opening to my throat, but not much for deeper down. My dr has just put me on some antibiotics. if i -take nicif tablets i will feel that i have got relief from at least 5 hour after that again same type of pain will start. But all I keep thinking is I hope its a one off. (Yes you can get these lesions anywhere. Please just remember not to take aspirin or ibuprofen on an empty stomach - drugs like these, called NSAIDs, are one of the biggest causes of stomach ulcers. I have not found anything for the throat. It will not only give you quick relief, it also helps tremendously in quick healing of the ulcer,. It hurted very badly when I tried to swallow anything. Hi I get throat ulcers quite alot seem to come more when I feel stressed. I took prilosec on an empty stomach 45 min b4 I ate(its over the counter)it reduces the acid amount your body produces. Hi everyone, im suffering with ulcers that started on the roof of my mouth, then progressed onto my tonsils gums lips cheeks she under my tongue and now my throat. Take 4-5 leaves of holy basil and chew them in the morning and evening with water. But I promise after a few seconds they pain is GONE. Another good way to treat ulcers is by drinking cranberry juice. Also, be aware of what junk you allow into your home (and mind) i. I have suffered from chronic mouth and throat ulcers for the last 5 years. In case of throat ulcers swallow few drops directly. The powdered aspirin forms a coating inside of the ulcer. I am currently off sick from work as 6 days ago doctor diagnosed acid reflux as was having pain in throat and between shoulder blades was put on omeprazodole to prevent too much acid. PLEASE EVERYONE, before you go and diagnosis someone else on the internet with only a few words and you get MOUTH SORES 3 or MORE TIMES a YEAR see your DOCTOR. I am now 26 and they have returned it is horrible. They tend to last about 2 weeks with a couple days of unbearable pain sandwiched by merely extremely bad pain. Then the next day my throat felt sore but there were no ulcer yet. I has my dentist call in the prescription to Focused Rx. Place the chopped garlic cloves and the sliced ginger into a tea strainer. I am up to my 10th session of radiation - still 25 to go. the ones on the back of my throat are still there but no longer hurt. I also had a biopsy and after all this pain I was told it would go away on its own and there is nothing that can help. This cures the mouth ulcers and prevents the bad smell from the mouth. this situation sound familiar to anyone. its been two months now since I got it and have been given anti biotics about 3 times but it keeps on coming back. My heart goes to all who have had one. Mine I cant feel any pain but just irritates me when swallowing. Ok so none of this sounds like what is going on with me. But it would be worth a shot if you felt anything like i did or worse. They sometimess turn into cold sores that i then take prescriptions for but they are not going away. You can always just drink it without straining or buy the capsules with these two powerful ingredients in it at a natural health shop or in the organic section of a grocery store. They have gotten more frequent because 10 years ago i was diagnosed with a liver disease called PBC. Make a solution of 2 oz hydrogen peroxide, 2 oz water, 1 tsp of salt and baking soda. Bonjela,painkillers have not been if much help:0( i hope someone out there can work on a cure for us all. I have been on several antibiotics and prednisone via IV. Please someone help could not even read for exam. Hi guys, i have been haven a huge problem lately. My pharmacist recommended buying Colloidal Silver for throat issues. I had to wait years last time before feeling better. Cordasyl mouthwash has helped a lot (including letting a small amount go down my throat). the exhaustion I feel is similar. Apply a little OTC glycerin on your ulcer. I cannot eat any solid food and have been surviving on mostly jello. Hi everyone, my name is Phil, I am 50 years old and live in the UK, i have suffered with large throat ulcers for around 17 years, have had biopsies taken which have showed nothing and the only thing that knocks them on the head quickly is a course of prednisolone steroids, the pain goes within the hour and the ulcers heal within 2-3 days instead of the 2-3 weeks if left untreated. I have had ulcers on the back of my throat for months. Gargle early morning will help you to get rid from the throat pain. since I have contracted the HFMD my doctor told me i have over 20 ulcers in my throat. And you can do it as many times as you can bare the pain. I do not get any if I do not have any food or drink containing Citric Acid. This is one of the effective home remedies for mouth ulcers. I waited to the next morning like she said. I was prescribed a mouthwash that worked pretty good for the ulcers on the inside of your mouth cuz it pretty much numbs your whole mouth. Please advice me what should I do to remove my throat ulcer permanently. I have been taking vit b12 supplements and zinc supplements also my gp said it can happen in people who are anaemic so i am on iron supplements which has helped a lot. I had chronic mouth ulcers. The kenalog paste melts and eventually goes down my throat to the sores in my throat. Hi iam suhana 25 year old iam suffering from throat ulcer from since six month nearly i have consulted 10 doctors that to from different hospitals but its of no use even after taking so much of tablets i have same time of problem. So, my diet now is predominantly plant-based and gluten free and sugar free. He counted 25 of what he could see and said they were all down my throat which would explain the pain i was getting when i swallowed and in my right ear. Sometimes I panic and think have I got throat cancer. When I was in college I started dating this young lady, I was stressing about finals and I got 3 really large ulcers two on my cheeks and one on my tongue. This pain cause me to be depressed and removed. Application of any toothpaste on the area many times a day gives quick relief from mouth ulcers. About a year ago i was at the dentist office and had a sore he put some Debacterol on it and it virtually stopped all the pain and the sore seem to go away with a day or two. Better still if you can get the real plant. If you avoid these things and nourish your body with fruit, vegetables and real unprocessed, whole foods, it could make a huge difference. I believe they are caused by an allergy to Citric Acid. Fingers crossed things are looking up as the pain is excruciating. although she has used them for two weeks there is no relief in the pain. I had mouth ulcers for a long time as a kid, doctors said brush more, some doctors said herpes. Does anyone know if Berocca which has high level of B vitamins is good. The only way, right now, that you can tell is if everything else comes up negative. Been to doctors just get mouth washes but how can that work when the ulcers are down throat. online, i found someone claiming that Resveratrol, a daily vitamin would help. Mouth Ulcers in the throat too far down to treat 239 messages in this subject. 1-3weeks is the average time. As a side effect of medicines given for viral fever, I got ulcers in my. This is also effective home remedy for mouth ulcers. Application of peppermint oil to the mouth ulcers gives relief from pain and irritation. That means I have inflammation of the blood vessels, so I get other sores on my body, all muscous membranes are affected. By doing this I cut the size and amount of time with each of the mouth ulcers. Hi everyone like you all I too have been suffering with constant mouth ulcers, recently they seem to be travelling down towards the back of my throat (25 is my most at one time) my dentist has no clue. e. But looks like there is no remedy i always get a fever with them when they come out at there worst and hell are they painful. They came on after a bad throat infection and I was starting to think I had throat cancer. The following day I went to the dentist who said he had never seen so many. I have had mouth ulcers for 5 years, some so bad I had to have it removed. Massaging the gums with coconut milk and honey thrice a day is also beneficial mouth ulcers treatment. So I think the only way we can count on is our own immune system. Also dont know if it is just me but when eating or drinking i get a slight pain in the chest and a slight burning when the food goes down. But they got worse. I just had pneumonia recently and when that started the ulcers came back. Its very painful but there really is not a cure for them i am afraid. The pain had subsided by the end of the first day and was completely gone the day after. It will dull the sharp pain, coat the throat and make swallowing easier, it will heal and help speed up the recovery of the sores. So keep a diary of then and where you get lesions or sores. Me again I am going to try to prevent acid reflux and see if this helps and stops the throat ulcers, the doctor can give you anti acid drugs will let you know if this helped because when I get these ulcers they can last for weeks and could be the acid which causes these to start. When I was a teen I had mouth ulcers constantly, huge painful ones. I would recommend that you warn the MD that you are going to see so that they can research the disease before you get there. Hi, there is quite a good cure for Mouth ulcers and that is pure Aloe Vera. Diet for mouth ulcers - Daily intake of banana with curd in the morning also cures mouth ulcers. They can also be a warning sign for a myriad of problems such gastrointestinal problems, undiagnosed food allergies, poor diet, stress, hormonal balances (often caused by contraceptive pills), and in the case of deep throat ulcers, glandular fever or onset of quinsy. I was pretty unsure, but started taking the 160mg capsule and have yet to have an ulcer. I just want to figure out what this is so I can figure out how to treat it. its the fifth time since it disappeared and came back. I researched everything I could, to find relief for the intolerable pain but ultimately, came up empty handed. Im convinced that stress and lack of sleep contribute to these things. Okay its currently 3AM for me I tried to sleep but the pain stopped me from even relaxing a little it is my fourth night with ulcers in my throat and i cant explain the pain its so much. its on the throat in the mouth to the left. Add a pinch of salt and turmeric powder in a glass of luke warm water. Highly spiced foods, hot tea and coffee should be avoided. I just hate it when those little suckers first come out and you know its just going to get worse and worse and last for weeks. Lonzenes, and anaesthetic throat spray help a bit. Mine lasted for 5 days (the worst five days of my life) and to keep the pain at a minimum use ibuprofen. Life can be very worrisome these days and searching on the internet should be done with great caution. I have had throat ulcers for the past two days now. If you can see it in a mirror you can dab it with salt on a cotton wool bud. That means no refined sugar (I do eat natural sugars like fruit, honey etc but not too much). But I cannot get it to the back of my throat where I need it the most. Mix 1 tsp finely powdered Indian Gooseberry root bark with honey. My heart goes out to anyone suffering from this. I know my Ulcers are brought on by stress usually but sometimes if I have products with gluten in. I ran out to the Vitamin store and purchase Resveratrol 250 mgs. com. My doctor is trying cortosone shots at the back of my head, but that is not working out very well either. Make a paste of amla (Indian gooseberry) and apply on the ulcers 2-3 times a day. HII. I use read another article this morning and a 65 year old man who gets them offen said he takes 160 mgs of Resveratrol. Diet for mouth ulcers - Take 1 tsp of coriander seeds in 1 cup of water and boil to make slightly warm. I have found some things to mask the pain but no cure. My dentist finally did some research for me and prescribed dexamethasone. Vitamin B2, B6 and B12 and magnesium deficiency is also strongly linked with ulcers and a good daily dose will help prevent future ulcers. Need to take care of your health, take care of yourself, to appreciate the precious moments. One went after a does of clorasyl, but the other is more resistant. Rinse the mouth with this solution but remember do not swallow that solution. So since i can sometimes feel the acid in my mouth i assume thats the cause yet the acid calms down with meds but they stay. last three days I had Amoxicilin doubled, along with 2 soluable paracetomol and ibuprofen. I know taking steroids is not ideal, but you can get on with your life as normal, instead of the searing pain every time you swallow, the awful ear ache and headaches. When I was 22 I had tonsils out which left a very scared throat. I deal with chronic Ulcers. Its a white clot that grows for a week and a half and then disappears for 2 to 3 days and then start to grow again. Edogun who cured me from CANCER with his herbal medication, after doctor Edogun has finished preparing the herbal medicine, he asked me to send him my residential address, so that he. Other things Im having to soothe ulcers is sfreedoms with anesthetic, foxes glacier mints, warm salt water rinse and cold water. I am thirty years old and started getting ulcers before puberty. I tried nystatin its for babies oral thrush and it seemed to work. They get so swollen that the back of my head swells and the pain is excruciating. I suffer from mouth ulcers aswell and I find the best thing for them is cordosol mouthwash, gets rid of them pretty quickly, and prevents them too. I work in a call center where i talk all the time and the only thing that makes it feel better (for a while) is salt water. I finally took a course and steroids and it got rid of it, but usually it would come back again, but so far so good. I hang my head over a large bowl and just drool. m really in tention. Hi Ive have had a sudden outbreak in mouth ulcers. Gargle this 3 -4 times daily. Every day I wake up with new sores in different places in my mouth. Anaesthetic lozenges and sprays can be the best way to handle the pain and an aspirin or paracetamol based painkiller is recommended over naproxen or ibuprofen based ones. This is also effective home remedy for mouth ulcers. My brother on the other hand is triggered by anything with added vitamin c (ascorbic acid) which is commonly used preservative in heaps of processed foods. My experience in the matter is being the daughter of a dentist:). I discovered that CHOCOLATE was a suspect in my hunt for a cure. I quit smoking and eat rice with vegetables now. The pain nearly always affects my ears and gives me a splitting headache. The foods that bring on ulcers are acidic foods - that means, meat (red meat is the worst), dairy, gluten, all processed foods (including fruit juices), sugar, alcohol. I still get regular flares BUT, they are little ulcers that now seem to go away after about two days, as long as I keep using the rinse. He died for you because He loves you (John 3:16) and His heart aches to see us struggle the way we do. When my ulcers get really bad I have to take a toothbrush and scrub them until they bleed and then that takes the pressure off of the back of my neck.

I too have them, and just have to wait them out. I do get mouth ulcers occasionally i do not know the reason of getting them more frequently than others. It may help stop the outbreak of the blisters for a long period of time. Natural laxatives will not clean out your stomach either, by the way. Thank you it is so nice to finally have a product that stops the pain and discomfort from canker sores. I let you know if it helps or if it is a waste of time. It started with some regular sore throat, fever, joint paint. In severe cases the person is not able to drink and eat anything. m suffering from throat ulcers but the main thing is tht its has no pain but it gets heal time to time and thn reoccur after 2 weeks with no pain. I made a discovery approx 6 months ago which is definitely worth a try. So I decided to try and bunch of different tonics and concoctions of various combinations, in the efforts to and try and give myself some relief from the sharp constant pain from these stupid sores. My mother in law (also a nurse) suggested at one point that I let her cauterize an ulcer inside my cheek with a silver nitrate stick, it worked wonderfully after the initial shock and pain but this is not something one can buy over the counter. I have been on it for a long time 0 side effects. After late nights and lots of alcohol the ulcers normally come on. I had a lot of diseases such as H1N1 but this pain is far beyond it and way more frustrating PLEASE if anyone knows a good remedy to this PLEASE tell me it i cant stand another night like this. like oranges, limes, tomatoes. They hurt so badly I had one and I hope all of you get better. I gargled everything, numbed them and whatever else. Hopefully, since your post, you have sought some help and are doing better. Seems like I also get them in the fall because last one occurred almost the same time last year. Got 1 under the top lip, 1 under the lower lip and one in the throat currently. Any cures for throat sores would be appreciated. Aloe Vera is very good at healing and has antiseptic qualities. The only relief I have is to not swallow. I will caution anyone that decides to use this method, it hurts so bad at first you immediately wonder if it is even worth it. Cranberry juice (ocean spray) with ice really helps to soothe. But try the galic, this is from an old indian book that was in a friends family. I tend to get ulcers in the back of my throat like clock work in the early Fall. I have no idea what causes it or a way to prevent it. Warm salt water mouth wash is painful, but can be effective. After years and years of almost permanent ulcers, I have finally found what works for me to keep them at bay. Few days ago just had some horrible sore throat and ulcers at the back of my mouth. I was in constant pain swallowing, eating and sometimes breathing. She went to doctors and they told her that she had a wound in the throut and give her some antibiotics and some mouth antiseptics. Thanks for the informaiton about the bananas, that they make the sores better because I eat bananas everyday. In the past, they would have taken months to heal. What I found to help is to take a piece of fresh galic and hold it on the sore when it starts. I just wanted to let you all know as I was so thirsty and the tea is soothing and restorative. It can be acquired at a health food store or online. Finally, after 1 week, beginning to feel better. The ear pain that goes with the ulcers is so bad. I am 39 now. Of course I am using pain killers, throat sprays and lozenges. Keep the faith and God bless to you and anyone else who may have been encourage by this message. It can be anything sour, like any sour fruit or vegetable. Again he said he was sorry but I would just have to ride it out. Without going into my life story of mouth ulcers but suffice to say that I have tried nearly everything mentioned and I still got them. A week later, what I thought was a blister, appeared on the right side of my cheek caused by the rubbing of the bracket from the braces. Mouth Ulcers remedy - Intake of mulberry juice is also beneficial as it provides relief from mouth ulcers. literally every time i turned around i had another ulcer. It is not common to the USA but they are seeing more cases of it and with more research that it can cause BLOOD CLOTS, BLINDNESS, VASCULAR ANEURYSMS OR SEVERE NEUROLOGICAL COMPLICATIONS INCLUDING DEATH. Sometimes looking online can be a bad thing as symptoms can be the same for many many illnesses. I figure at this point I will try anything. This is also effective home remedy for mouth ulcers. You get the ulcer as dry as possible then pack the alum on it in it around it. I took the all the acid reflux meds the first time I had them and they did nothing and I took them for months at a time. They get close to my gag reflex so i gag all day long. Alum is a pickling spice that is toxic in large dosses. Woke up on holiday with a tongue full of these ulcers and a white tongue coating and was freaked out. Anybody know the best thing for her please as i hate to see her in pain with these ulcers. So far what has helped, Adcortyl,anesbol (gel), corsoydl mouthwash, merocaine (sweets), tyzrones(sweets). I was once suffering from CANCER and i spent a lot of money going from one herbal doctor to another but they all scam and take my money. I have had them on my tonsils before but never my throat. Goodluck. Ive just been hospitalized with these ulcers all over my tonsils and down my throat. Hi, like everyone else I also suffer from Mouth and throat ulcers, I get them about every three days and out of a 2 week period I may not have them for 2 days. I get them in my throat too and I gargle with it and it works for those too. I have been lucky enough to have long spells without them in the last couple of years, but unclear why they disappeared. Some people has less vitamin b, so taking a dose for a recommended period should help. I really feel for you people who get them on a regular basis. Add honey for better taste and coating properties. If you can put it in your mouth and swallow without water that would be best. My partner has been sufering with these throat ulcers, she cant swallow or eat without mega pain, she dont smoke or drink and doesnt have salty foods infact the most thing she eats are yogerts fruit corners and a good sunday lunch. This website really helped with all the suggestions, I have been a throat ulcer sufferer for many years and it has now gotten to the point that every few months or so I get one very large quarter sized ulcer in the right side of my thoat that is very hard to get to. Thank u for your posts theyve been helpful. I was told by a doctor that said she used to get them frequestly. It will not only give you instant relief but coconut oil is also anti-viral and anti fungal too. Instead, focus on the beauty and blessings God has provided. If you are at your wits end with ulcers, it might be worth a go. Avoid spicy food and things will be okay in 3-4 days. Then the next day 2 ulcers came and hell begin. Finally got one in my throat after a whole life of getting them in the mouth. A mix of bicarbonate soda and water to gargle also helps massively. Mouth ulcers can be a very distressing problem. And i was suffering mouth ulcers from 8yrs. Even then, I can usually heal them in about a week now with diet. I then use kenalog paste and as soon as they are no longer swollen I put Mouthsore fluid called Zilactin B on them to seal them and I am ok for a while. Im 34 and been getting them since I was around 7-8 yrs old. I have had ulcers or cold sores on my esophagus(back of throat) for about 6 days now, the pain was so bad that I could not eat, sleep or even swallow. please can anyone give me suugestion abt it. Also cayenne pills heal ulcers in a matter of days and clean the system. My gums are so red and swollen and painful--without touching them. To my surprise my ulcers were basically gone. Gargling daily with Listerine prevents bad smell from the mouth and also mouth ulcers cures. at beginnig it has mild pain but later i feel no pain. The worst thing you can do is not get enough liquids. that helped but then I started getting them near my tonsils, front and back. Someone needs to find a cure for this stuff. Every time you swallow there is major pain and you become weak from the little amount of food you do eat. v. Lysine works wonders for break outs that occur in the form of a cold sore on the lip. I was just down with a severe case of mono for the whole month of February. Ulcer deep in your throat might be a cause by acid reflux, if you want to prevent ulcer you must first prevent acid reflux. I have been to the doctor a couple times since with no help offered other then to bear with it and notes in case I need to miss work. Stir and enjoy the soothing comfort of this amazing tonic. Medicated mouthwash can be useful against mouth ulcers but also removes good bacteria. I was told they were mouth ulcers caused by the braces. Going to try following options that you all described. I do this three times until I can not stand the pain any longer. I may have found the holy grail to help with the severe pain associated with having ulcers in the back of the throat, so far down that gargling anything, does nothing, because it cannot be reached. The solution is very simple yet it is so effective. I tried Lysine for a couple days and they just seemed to spread, so I quit that. ). I had mouth sores so bad that sometimes the roof of my mouth would of rare from them. They say that the acid reflux comes up when lying down. I eat green vegetables with every meal (this really helps alkalize the body). I just had my tonsils out and I think because of this, I have developed an ulcer in the back of my throat. Due to a suggestion from a dear friend of mine I tried gargling and then swallowing hot as you can stand thyme tea with 2 teaspoons of honey. It helps with the pain to hold some against the sore as well. Was a bit run down when they hit, so maybe this is it. My last big ulcer (on the uvula and the size of a 10 pence piece) was in October and lasted nearly 3 months. Havent eaten anything solid in 5days until tonight. I attack it with lozenges and advil along with stepping up oral hygiene. Then, strain the boiling water into the cup with the milk honey and coconut oil in it. The best home remedy is to gargle with hot salt water thrice in a day and give it some time. I am going to the doctor tomorrow but now dont think anything will come of it:\ Hope they are better soon because i cannot eat at all and only drink water. I am willing to try almost anything to get rid of this ulcer in my throat. I could not sleep for 3 days. Once again I am in and out of doctors offices and none of them can help a bit. The pain is so intense that I am being administered Dilaudid every two hours just to cope. Cured the bleed from my throat to my stomach. The first one on the right is smaller and ok but the one at the left is huge and killing me. The effects of this tea will last for about 2 to 3 hours so I usually also take 1 or 2 ibuprofen (Advil) to help drag out the length of relief, and help control fever and inflammation. Hi all, I too suffered mouth ulcers when I was a kid and I still get them from time to time. repeat it for 3 days. To me that was understandable why it would appear and it is also very painful. Bigger size, getting them in my throat, sometimes the side of my tongue, etc. I am in throat ulcer agony at the moment and the tea is a nice soothing distraction, which is also giving me my water needs as swallowing water is like drinking acid at the moment. During the time of an ulcer I only have boiled vegetable. I now use toothpaste without any in it, and instead of ulcers (sometimes 2-3 at once) every month, I only get a couple a year at most. Hi all,, I may have an answer for some of you, as we are all made up differently I suppose. It really takes minimum 3-4 days to heal. I also got very sick with chills and sweats, headache and fever. The GERD also cause post nasal drip which makes them 10 times more irritated. t. If you think you may have Behcets, check out the web site, American Behcets. Mouth ulcers refer to the small white spot on the inside of the cheek, the tongue or clustered on the inner side of the lip. I also raise my head on many pillows at night. Citric Acid is in a lot of foods even bananas which do not contain it normally have it sprayed on to help them ripen. I have suffered with canker sores for the last 30 years. They burn the stomach for about fifteen minutes but it goes away. About 4 days ago I began to feel my throat a little scratchy when I would swallow. If I leave thes out I feel a little better. This lasted almost 2 years before the subsided. I had a huge one on my tonsils and it took 2 days and was excruciating. My dentist suggested I change toothpaste so now I only use herbal toothpaste its called alodent and since using it I have not had one ulcer. I have mouth ulcers all along the gumline, and a handful of ulcers on the backside of my upper teeth. When faced with ulcers, try to avoid as much sugar and dairy as possible as this feeds the infection. I am going to try vitamon B12 as someone suggested and I will report back. The same is said for antibiotics, therefore these treatments must be used in conjunction with a decent probiotic or else you can find your problems worsened over time. This is the stuff in most toothpaste that makes it foam up. I do the same thing everyone else does, salt water gargles and all kinds of meds. They sometimes pop up at other times, usually when some stress is involved (like now). Shortly thereafter, the ulcers also appeared on the inside of my lips. i would get them twice a month for about 1-2 weeks. could not eat any food for 2 days and felt like killing myself. I originally posted this message back in 2008. Its all over my throat and I m having very difficulty in swallowing food and water too. A friend asked his father, who is a doctor, what to do. It is like someone has cut a portion of my tonsil and had put some salt in it. This has been the case since 2001 I would suppose. , music, and other substancless influences, as these can trip you up (garbage in, garbage out). I started taking Methotrexate three years ago and that drug causes canker sores. Mix a pinch of turmeric powder to 1 tsp glycerine and apply this solution on ulcers. I m having throat ulcer from past few days. I did find some relief with a cough syrup with hydrocodone in it but can no longer take that due to the other issues. Hi - there are some really good messages here all very helpful, thanks. Your insights on using sucralfate on throat ulcers. The body can heal itself from a lot of things if you give it the right tools to do so. I am convinced that after 2 courses of antibiotics and steroids for sinus and bronchial infections, my immune system was compromised. Dont know wheter this is another symptom of the ulcers or just another related illness of being run down on holiday. Stir well and swallow up to 4 times a day. This is very good home remedy for mouth ulcers. They were gone for about a week within these 5 months. It is excruciating pain to swallow, eat, speak, and sometimes even breathe in. So viewers be wise and beware of fake spell casters and fake herbal doctors, they are all over the internet trying to steal from poor people. Does. All these are temp relief remedies I have used n been happy with(avaliable in uk). If anyone have any advice on what to do pls reply. The doctors have given a her a gargle medication which doesnt realy do anything well thats a lie it does help a bit for a while with the ulcers on the gums and makes them tingle but thats about it, she take some antiflamotries but no luck with anything. Its good to do gargles with warm salty water and uses difflam oral rinse as this numbs the pain temporarily. The best remedy I have found is as much sleep as I am able to get. There is also now a cordasyl toothpaste I discovered so have started using that as well (tastes horrible but if it helps to prevent it then who cares). This will coat throat and give pain relief. I drank lots spring water and cut out fruits, tomato base stuff and anything acidy of course. You take some water and rinse the alum out.

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